Duration: 1.5 hours
Years: Prep-2
This activity encourages students to observe the landscape and its features whilst using teamwork skills such as leadership, communication and deligation.
Students are given a collection of photographs from different locations along a walking path. With careful observation, students will connect land features with their corresponding photographs.
National Curriculum Links
Health and Physical Education
Foundation: Practise personal and social skills to interact with and include others (ACPPS004) Participate in play that promotes engagement with outdoor settings and the natural environment (ACPPS007) Year 1 and 2: Recognise similarities and differences in individuals and groups, and explore how these are celebrated and respected (ACPPS024)
Foundation: The Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Country/Place on which the school is located and why Country/Place is important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Draw conclusions based on discussions of observations (ACHGS004)
Year 1: The natural, managed and constructed features of places, their location, how they change and how they can be cared for
Year 2: The ways in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples maintain special connections to particular Country/Place (ACHGK011)
Activities in the local place and reasons for their location